This month Real Housewife of Cheshire and multi-business owner Hanna Kinsella shares her learnings on life with two toddlers

It’s so nice to see how well Max and Kimia are getting on now that they are slightly older and interacting a lot more, but at times it can feel like a whirlwind. I find myself trying to navigate tantrums but also trying to cherish precious moments. It’s hard! Every day brings new adventures and challenges. Here are some of the tricks and I have learned that help me thrive while juggling work and family life with two little ones.

Embrace routine

Establishing a consistent daily routine provides structure and stability for both toddlers and parents alike. We set regular mealtimes, nap schedules, and bedtime routines to create a sense of predictability – and this has worked wonders for me! This predictability can help minimise meltdowns and make transitions smoother throughout the day.

Divide and conquer

Teamwork makes the dream work; I think that is my all-time favourite saying! But it is true, especially when it comes to managing two toddlers. Divide tasks and responsibilities with your partner to share the load. Whether it’s alternating bedtime duties or taking turns with household chores, working together can lighten the workload.

Great British Life: Sometimes just one at a time works best!Sometimes just one at a time works best!

Diarise in self-care

Amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, don’t forget to plan in (and keep in!) self-care. This is important, I feel! Try and set out time for yourself, even if it’s just a few minutes each day, to indulge in activities that bring you some level of relaxation. I do try and run myself a bath at the end of the day when they are both asleep and it really helps. I also love giving myself a short time in the morning to follow my skincare routine. It’s just me and my skincare products (yes, I use Martin’s own skincare range, Dr Kinsella CBD Skin, of course!) getting ready for the day, with nobody calling my name or wanting anything, which is the perfect way to start the day! Getting out to a weekly yoga class, a regular girls’ night, even a brisk walk around the block listening to a podcast or your favourite tunes while daddy does bedtime – these all give us back a sense of self and allows us to reset any stress from the crazy day.

Great British Life: Go with the flow - if dressing up like Bat Man makes for an easier haircut, let it happen!Go with the flow - if dressing up like Bat Man makes for an easier haircut, let it happen!

Get creative with playtime

Two toddlers means double the energy and imagination. I do try and get creative with activities that engage both Max and Kimia simultaneously.

I set up sensory bins, we love to do outdoor scavenger hunts, and regularly unleash our inner artists with messy art projects – and here the key is to relax and embrace the mess! If you can’t cope with paint and glitter (oh, that stuff gets everywhere, for month!) then take it outside, but creating art together is fun! Finding activities that captivate their attention and encourage cooperative play can also provide moments of peace amid the chaos. We love to bake – just simple cupcakes (from a packet, if you like) takes a happy half-hour of counting and measuring, then you can have 30 minutes of peace ‘while mummy tidies up’, before enjoying the fruits of your labour.

It’s no secret that juggling the work-life balance has been a challenge for me, but once I learned about putting these various things in place, it really helped. I think we often put too much pressure on ourselves as mums and I think social media can sometimes get us down or make us feel like we aren’t doing a good enough job. I often compare myself to others, but I’m slowly starting to master the art of not being SO crazy hard on myself. It’s important to remember we are all doing what we can with our given circumstances and ultimately the important thing is that we love our kids, and they know we love them. Get that right, and do your best with the rest. Simple!