This is the perfect bread to accompany the wonderful Applegate farm shops Christmas cheeses and chutneys, and can transform the basic leftover turkey sandwich into a real treat when topped with some melted Brie. There is nothing more satisfying than eating bread which has been home baked.


• 300g strong white bread flour sifted

• 2 teaspoons caster sugar

• 1/2 teaspoon salt

• 1 Teaspoon orange zest

• Juice of one small orange

• 75g Dried cranberries

• 1 sachet of easy blend yeast

• 1 large egg beaten

• 150g melted butter

• 125 ml tepid water

Flour to dust board and bread.


1. In a large mixing bowl combine the flour, sugar, salt, orange zest, dried cranberries and the yeast .Stir well to ensure an even mix.

2. Add to the flour mix the tepid water, melted butter, orange juice and the beaten egg, bring together using your hands. At this point the dough will feel quite wet and sticky, don’t worry its meant to be.

3. When the mixture has formed dough turn it out onto a lightly floured surface and knead well for 10 minutes, after this time place your bread dough into a lightly buttered bowl and cover with cling film and a tea towel and leave to prove for 40 minutes.

4. After 40 minutes the dough can be turned out and returned to your lightly floured surface for “knocking back” (light kneading) for about 2 minutes this is to ensure a light and airy bake. You then need to form the shape of your loaf on a greased baking sheet, I like to make mine into a French “boulé “shape as it is a lovely rustic looking bread. To do this I form it into a round loaf and use large kitchen scissors to snip a cross shape in the centre.

5. Cover the shaped dough once again with some greased cling film and leave for its second prove in a warm place for 30 minutes or until it has doubled in size, after this time remove cling film and dust the loaf with a little flour.

6. Bake in the centre of a preheated oven at 370.f gas mark 5 or 180 .c for 30 -35 minutes.

Applegates Farm, Milton Green

Chester, CH3 9DR

Tel: 01829 770 941