Jo Haywood asks the experts for top tips on the weighty subject of slimming down for spring

People tackle weight gain in myriad ways. Some join a slimming club, some cut down on carbs while others sign up with a personal trainer or specialist weight loss clinic.

There’s even the odd one (my close friend of many years standing – and occasionally staggering – for instance) who takes to the internet in her bra and pants in a last ditch attempt to shame herself into losing those unforgiving pounds. But are there some hard and fast weight loss rules that work for everyone? Or is everybody – and literally every body – different?

Well, according to Anne Welford, executive manager of weight management specialist Alizonne (, all long-lasting loss starts with a bit of maths.

‘You need to accurately measure your resting metabolic rate, preferably with the help of a professional, or calculate your approximate daily resting metabolic rate,’ she explained. ‘For women, that’s weight in kg x 21.6, and for men, weight in kg x 24.

‘Then you need to reduce your daily calorie intake by 300-600 calories below your calculated rate.

Concentrate on reducing carbs and fats but ensure you maintain a frequent, normal protein intake with low fat lean meat and fish to prevent loss of muscle mass and inhibit hunger.’

When it comes to exercising ourselves slim, personal trainer Benjamin Cook ( believes we either do way too much or way too little.

‘If you train more than three times a week to begin with you’ll deplete your body of essential nutrients and minerals, feel chronically fatigued and give up,’ he said. ‘Train harder two or three times a week for 45 minutes with sensible activity like walking between sessions.

This will give your body time to adapt and stop you feeling like you’re being an exercise martyr.’

He also advises training a little less and spending more time preparing high quality food: ‘If you up the quality of your fruit and vegetables, you’ll effortlessly feel less hungry. It’s an effect I’ve seen in myself and countless clients for which scientific evidence is just starting to emerge.’