Judi Spiers is one of Devon's most engaging characters and not only can we hear her live on Radio Devon every day (9am-12 noon) but we can also read her latest celebrity interview every month in Devon Life.

To view our unique Page Turning ePublication of Judi Spiers' celebrity interviews click here

Judi Spiers is one of Devon's most engaging characters and not only can we hear her live on Radio Devon every day (9am-12 noon) but we can also read her latest celebrity interview every month in Devon Life.

And when we say 'celebrity' we don't just mean big-star-world-famous celebrity - though they are included, of course - but also some very interesting 'ordinary' people, too.

In this selection we meet Ricky Gervais, Dorothy Rundle, Sir Donald Sinden, Maureen Lipman, Andrew Moran Mylett and Natasha Wood.