Want to know more about QR codes and how to use them? Click here to find out more

Want to know more about QR codes and how to use them?

Quick Response (QR) codes are a type of barcode that hold a web address that can be read by a smartphone or tablet device.

The code enables the user to access web content, often deep within a website or available only via the code without having to type a web address which can often be long and complex.

Free apps are available for different sorts of smart devices as follows -

Zappit (for download on any Android phone - Google, HTC and Nokia)

Zappit (for download on any iPhone)

QR Code Scanner Pro (for download on Blackberries)

BeeTagg QR Reader (for download on SymbianOS)

Once you have your app try scanning a code and see where it takes you and look out for bonus content and offers coming soon

If you have an ipad or iphone you can scan the QR code above and download our free magazine app