Daniel Moore is the 59-year-old owner/director of Forager’s Fancy in Bebington. A company that specializes in handmade produced created with care using locally foraged ingredients, Daniel’s foraging story began aged just 10-years-old. Now he creates several products for his growing business, including his Great Taste award winning Sloe Brandy. Here he shares his food loves. foragersfancy.co.uk

Tell us a little about Forager’s Fancy

I was ten when it all started. I would go out with my dad into the Essex countryside, where I grew up, to pick sloes for his sloe gin. We would all enjoy a Christmas tipple then my dad would top up this ‘magical bottle ‘with extra gin and sugar - it would last for months.

Fast forward to my thirties where I lived in a gatekeeper’s cottage on an old country estate.

I studied arboriculture and expanded my knowledge of plant biology and identification.

This gave me an even greater awareness of my natural environment and the wonderful bounty of nature, and I would make cordials, jams, pesto and sloe gin for the family.

Around 12 years ago whilst out picking sloes I was recommended to try making sloe brandy. I made a batch following my usual gin recipe and left to infuse for a year. The results were spectacular and I have been making it every year since.

I moved up to the Wirral in 2019 and discovered a rich foraging habitat. At the same time, I set up Foragers Fancy. My business is my passion and my mission is to provide my customers with a true taste of nature. I was recently nominated in the Cheshire Life Food and Drink Awards and my Sloe Brandy was awarded two stars in the Great Taste Awards.

First dish you learned to cook?

Spaghetti bolognese for my brother. I was about nine, it wasn’t the best, but it has improved since then.

Most vivid childhood food memory?

Sitting on my grandad’s back step shelling (and mostly eating) his home-grown peas. His tomatoes were also amazing.

Most memorable meal out?

Kalamari in a local seafood taverna in Santorini. I was the only non-local. It was fresh from the sea, perfect batter, alioli and lemon. Fabulous.

Your favourite ingredient?

I have two. Wild garlic. It’s versatile, sustainable and makes great pesto, oil and salt.

Sloes because of the brandy.

Your go-to snack?


If you weren’t running Forager’s Fancy, what would you be doing?

I would love to be a singer in a rock band - huge Foo Fighters fan - or a wildlife ranger.

Your dream dinner guest?

Sir David Attenborough for his worldly knowledge and insights into our planet. He is a very special human being.

Your guilty food pleasure?

Pastel de nata.

Who are your Cheshire food heroes?

Nisha Katona, founder of Mowgli. I have always loved tapas and her menus were made for me.

Favourite drink/ingredient

Sloe Brandy is still my favourite although my Sloe Port is a very close second.

Your career highlight?

My Cheshire Life 2023 nomination in the Drinks Producer category and my recent 2 stars Great Taste Award for Foragers Fancy Sloe Brandy.

What’s next for you?

I am hoping to introduce my unique brand into a wider range of restaurants and hotels In the north west and to continue developing my range.