Transcendental Meditation practitioner and teacher Nigel Barlow says many people across the Cotswolds are using this effortless time-honoured technique to naturally develop their own inner calm

You can now learn the stress-busting technique of Transcendental Meditation (TM for short) in the Cotswolds. Experienced TM teacher Nigel Barlow, who now lives near Cirencester, says, ‘TM is an evidenced-based method for overcoming anxiety and stress – as well as improving your mind’s clarity, creativity and decision-making. And it’s easy and enjoyable to practice!’

Transcendental Meditation, as founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, is a simple, natural, effortless technique practised for 20 minutes, twice a day. Derived over thousands of years and validated by over 350 peer-reviewed scientific research studies, TM has been proven to be remarkably effective in helping people deal with stress and anxiety.

Great British Life: TM teacher Nigel BarlowTM teacher Nigel Barlow (Image: Nigel Barlow)

TM is a mental technique that anyone can learn. It is not a set of beliefs, a philosophy, a lifestyle or a religion. Taught by certified TM teachers, it generates a state of inner silence and peace. Sitting comfortably with eyes closed, it can be practised anywhere, even on a train, aeroplane or taxi.

Stress is a natural response to events and situations, but too much of it can make people feel overwhelmed or unable to cope with mental and emotional pressure. Workplace stress is caused by factors such as work demands, lack of support, office politics and bullying. Even a change in role can affect productivity, absenteeism, staff turnover, and wellbeing.

Research by mental health charity, MIND, showed that 42% of people had considered resigning when asked how workplace stress affected them, while according to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) stress, depression or anxiety accounted for 50% of all work-related ill health cases in 2020/21. Yet the Mental Health Foundation’s new Investing in Prevention Report reveals a positive return on investment (ROI) of around £5 for £1 invested in mental health interventions in the workplace.

Dr Elizabeth Young, a North London GP, says, ‘I’ve been recommending TM to patients since 1984 and find that people benefit from this simple, natural, effortless technique. It gives people access to a state of deep rest, similar to the effect of a good night’s sleep, so that healing can occur on a deep level. Anxiety reduces and people are able to make better use of therapy. I have found that people are able to reduce medication if they practise the technique twice daily.’

Former barrister Nigel Barlow, now an internationally-renowned business speaker and author as well as a TM teacher, has found that practising the technique of TM has helped him enormously to have a cool head under pressure, make decisions with a sense of perspective, and to recharge his batteries.

‘My life as a professional speaker to business leaders worldwide could be regarded as stressful,’ he says, ‘I speak to large audiences, but the practice of TM has helped me to face the challenge almost without stress. TM gives you an invisible shield of confidence and calmness, even under extreme pressure.’

Mark Wilson, CEO at Intelligent Land Investment Group, agrees. ‘Every time I talk at a conference, 20 minutes of TM gives me confidence and essentially puts me in the zone. I find it invaluable for these situations. Any stressful situation I know I am heading into I do TM beforehand. I also use it before a game of golf and find it helps to relax and centre myself.’

Great British Life: TM teacher Nigel BarlowTM teacher Nigel Barlow (Image: Andrew Laenen.All rights reserved.)

Meanwhile, Oxfordshire-based scientist Dr Stephen Georgiou says, ‘TM helps me to maintain natural perspective. It helps me focus on the things that matter, and to detach from unimportant noise.’

The technique is learned over a few one-hour sessions, and everyone, from children to grandparents, find it easy to learn and pleasurable to practice. There’s no clearing the mind of thoughts, concentration, mindfulness or breathing methods involved. In a world lacking peace, at least here’s something that many people across the Cotswolds are doing to naturally develop their own inner calm.

To find out more, go to (official site) or contact Nigel directly at, or on 07801 482952.