When designing a garden we try to consider every member of the household, even the furry ones! Though all pets are family, dogs in particular have an impact on outdoor design. Unlike cats and other animals, dogs are restricted to their own garden. They spend more time out there than we do, so it’s important that the environment is safe and stimulating for them. But that doesn't mean we have to compromise on your garden dreams.

Good for doggy, good for you

We know gardens are good for dogs. The Dogs Trust, for example, say gardens are an excellent environment for stimulating natural canine behaviours like sniffing, searching and exploring. Not all garden features mix well with dogs however. Some materials are delightfully chewable and easily damaged by our canine companions. Others may even be harmful. But by incorporating design elements that encourage healthy behaviours you will be looking after their wellbeing - and not just theirs. Many of these elements are good for you too - they even make your garden more interesting.

Dog-friendly in style

Dog friendly gardens allow dogs to interact safely with nature. This is important if you live in an urban environment. But making your garden dog-friendly doesn’t mean downgrading on style. In fact, a few small changes or additions could both bring your dog joy and even enhance your outdoor space.

Climbing and exploring

Dogs need to engage in playful exploration, so try introducing different levels to clamber over like raised beds and accessible seating areas. We use these in our gardens to add interest and create relaxing spaces. But they also allow your pup to climb and explore, keeping them happy and stimulated.

Safe and stimulating

We use a range of different materials in our designs to create texture, but these can also provide sensory stimulation for your dog. If you have room, you can even incorporate a digging pit for hide-and-seek fun with your furry friend. Planting herbs around the garden will provide delicious smells to investigate and experts also advise a shaded area with a ‘safe space’ for doggy quiet time. Just make sure any plants or materials you use are dog safe and non-toxic.

For more garden design inspiration, contact award-winning Earth Designs, proud members of the British Association of Landscape Industries and the Association of Professional Landscapers.


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