Richard Evans, Headmaster of Great Ballard School, near Chichester, has just taken up fly-fishing and has a soft-spot for U2 just don’t offer him an avocado.

Originally published in A+ Education South East Autumn 2015


If you hadn’t become a teacher what would you have done instead? - I have always had a love for sport and played rugby and cricket to a good standard, representing British colleges in both. For a few years I played rugby for Saracens RFC. So I think probably would have gone into the sport or leisure industry.

Was there any type of school dinner that you couldn’t stand? - As my wife will testify, I readily eat most things. I always seemed to enjoy school dinners, though I am not fond of avocados. Thankfully, they have never appeared on a school dinner menu I have seen.

What is your favourite film and why? - Chariots of Fire was an inspirational film with lots of important messages for life within it.

What were your favourite lessons at school? - Anything to do with sport and geography, hence that is what I went on to teach. In both instances because of the teachers, which is something I have always remembered as a Head when appointing staff. Teachers should inspire, enthuse and care about making a difference to the children they teach.

Your Desert Island Disc(s) - I do not have anything specific, though I have always had a soft spot for U2.

How do you relax? - I enjoy going to the gym, cycling, playing golf when I can, and fly fishing which is a recent new hobby. I generally like getting into the outdoors. Ideally, doing something which is completely different from my day job.

What is the one thing that makes you most proud of where you work? - Seeing children succeed and achieve something they did not believe they could do. It is extremely motivating for the teacher as well as for the children.

If you could be Prime Minister for a day what’s the first thing that you would do? - I would let headteachers and schools generally decide for themselves what was required and was in the best interests of the children they teach. There is too much interference from outside, and in educational terms we do seem to go round in circles.


School of thought

Maths or English? - Maths

School dinners or packed lunches? - School dinners

Newsletter or Twitter? - Newsletter



Meet the head - John Green at Seaford College - John Green, Headmaster of Seaford College, Petworth, has an appetite for healthy food, golf and songs with lyrics he can sing along with