Julian Wilson, Glyndebourne’s Executive Chef, hand picks a signature Glyndebourne dish as the opera house launches its 2014 Festival

Ingredients - serves 4

400g Sussex white crab meat

100g marsh samphire

200g asparagus

200g fennel bulb

20ml Sussex Gold cold pressed rapeseed oil

1 lime

30g chives

30g dill

Sea salt

Black pepper

Handful of ice (to keep the vegetables crisp)


By using Sussex Gold you will not only be supporting a local business but you’ll benefit your health – it is high in Omega 3-6-9. It has a subtle nutty flavour and a wonderful yellow glow.


During the summer months crab is readily available from most fishmongers along the Sussex coast. Hen Crab meat is best as it tastes a bit sweeter.


If you grow your own herbs in the garden dill and chives will be in season now. Once the chives have flowered, pick and wash them off and use as an edible garnish on the dish.


Samphire is readily available in most supermarkets or fishmongers these days and can be eaten raw or very quickly blanched in boiling water for 20-30 seconds and refreshed in icy cold water.



1 Place the crab meat onto a work surface and, using your fingertips, slowly work your way through the meat, pulling it down towards you. Carefully pick through the crab meat twice to eliminate pieces of crab shell. Refrigerate the crab immediately.

2 Wash the samphire, fennel and asparagus in cold water, then place the ice into a bowl and cover with water and put the samphire into the icy water. Using a peeler (or mandolin if you have one) peel the asparagus into long strips all the way through the stalk (do not peel right to the bottom of the stalk if you have thick asparagus as this will be woody and chewy, leave the bottom quarter) and place into the icy water. Trim the ends and cut the fennel into quarters and slice very thinly before adding to the iced water. Leave in the water for 20 minutes to help the vegetables stay crisp and fresh.

3 Wash and finely chop the chives and dill.

4 Drain the vegetables into a colander and place onto a clean dry tea towel to absorb the excess water.

5 Zest and juice the lime, season the crab. Add the zest and half of the chopped herbs.

6 Place the vegetables and remaining herbs, oil and lime juice in a bowl and toss.

7 Crumble the crab onto the plate, scrunch together a portion of the dressed vegetables with your hands and place on top of the crab. Serve and enjoy with a lovely glass of Chablis.

