Rachael Bice is the new chief executive at the helm of Yorkshire Wildlife Trust

Something in Yorkshire that makes you smile

The friendly, passionate people I have met so far. Having only arrived in September from Cornwall, I feel very glad to have received a warm Yorkshire welcome - often in the form of Yorkshire Tea!

A place you love to eat

The Durham Ox at Crayke, a quintessentially English pub with beautiful oak panelling, warming fires and delicious food. Highly recommended!

To take friends

Although it is one of the remotely located parts of Yorkshire, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust's Spurn National Nature Reserve is a must see. A nationally important nature reserve because of the migratory birds it gives sanctuary to, it also has a fascinating maritime history and, looking to the future, the effects of climate change on the Point and the visiting birds is something I will be watching carefully.

A childhood memory

Visiting the North York Moors with its vast swathes of open space, haunting stories and wild weather - it reminds me of my early life on Dartmoor. Getting my boots filled with cold muddy water when trying to cross a bog is something I'd like to grow out of!

A cultural go-to

I am currently living near Beningbrough Hall, where the National Trust and National Portrait Gallery work together to create a lovely place to escape to at a weekend.

Inspiration outdoors

I am very concerned about the plight of our wildlife; across Yorkshire there are numerous examples of once industrialised spaces which have seen nature start to recover naturally or with human help, places such as the woodlands through Barnsley, the RSPB's St Aidans wetlands near Leeds, and Yorkshire Wildlife Trust North Cave Wetlands nature reserve. These places give me hope that, with the right focus, wildlife can become abundant again.

A place for indulgence

Having been introduced by a friend, my place for indulgence is Saltaire; the story of Sir Titus Salt is necessary for our times, the book shop is eclectic and the canal walk beautifully calming.

A Yorkshire view that inspires

I'm a big vista sort of person, I'm inspired by the view from Sutton Bank or the moment having left the Wolds when the Vale of York opens out. These views inspire me to try to understand the huge ecological system we live in.

I'm never happier than when

Walking out in nature and happening upon a magical moment; the light catching something unexpected or encountering a creature going about their business always makes me beam with joy.

Three words that sum up your best Yorkshire life …

Wild new adventures (I hope!)