Lulu Browns Bridal Boutique of Whalley has been awarded the "Best Bridal Retailer 2013" at the prestigious annual "Bridal Buyer Awards"

Lulu Browns Bridal Boutique of Whalley has been awarded the “Best Bridal Retailer 2013” at the prestigious annual “Bridal Buyer Awards”.

The"© bridal "©industry’s"© top "©designers, "©manufacturers "©and"© retailers "©gathered "©at "©the "©Harrogate"© International "©Exhibition "©Centre"© to "©recognise"© individual"©achievement"© and"© excellence"© within"© the "©industry, "©with "©Lulu "©Browns "©scooping"© the "©top "©award "©on "©offer "©for "©2013.Voted"© for"© by"© a"© panel"© of"© experts"© and "©professionals"© within"©the"©industry,"©the "©award"© recognises"© exceptional "©expertise,"© peerless"© customer "©service,"© excellence"© in marketing"© activities "©and "©outstanding"© business"© development "©and "©growth. Selected"© from "©over "©1000 "©entries,"© Lulu "©Browns "©was "©considered"© the "©stand"out"© candidate,"© and "©awarded"© this"© landmark"© title.Delighted"© proprietor"© Helen "©Lord"© was"© quick"© to"© praise "©her "©team "©for "©the "©honour "©“I "©am "©thrilled"© to"© accept "©this "©award"© on"© behalf "©of "©my "©amazing "©team"© at "©Lulu "©Browns "©as,"© without"© them,"© my"© business"© would"© not"© be"© the"© success"© it"© is.

To"© win"© this"© national"© accolade"© is"© nothing "©short"© of"© incredible."© We"© couldn’t"© be"© happier!.”