Children will love the special Easter Egg based activities taking place at Hestercombe during the Easter holidays. The egg emphasis will be eggceptional!

Children will love the special Easter Egg based activities taking place at Hestercombe during the Easter holidays. The egg emphasis will be eggceptional!

New for this season, join in the Egg Rolling competitions being held on the Marquee Lawn which promise to cause hilarity for the whole family. This could be Somerset’s answers to Gloucestershire’s Cheese Rolling! And keep the children happy with Easter Egg colouring activities in the Courtyard Café. Meet the Hestercombe Easter Bunnies too. Gandalf and Fleur, two cute white rabbits will be making appearances amongst visitors. If they hatch in time, Hestercombe’s own baby chicks will be flying in for Easter as well. (Check web site to confirm times for animal appearances.)

From Friday 29th March until Sunday 14th April the ever popular Easter Trails will be running throughout the gardens. Follow the trail around the garden to track down some Easter treats. With wide spaces to run in, water to splash through, trees to hide behind and magical buildings to investigate from the Gothic Tower to the Witch House, Hestercombe is the ideal place to bring the children during their Easter holiday. Even the family dog is welcome!

The gardens are stunning in spring as well. The Victorian Shrubbery, will be blossoming with magnolias, amelanchier, iris, pulmonaria and wood anemones will be sprinkled like fairy dust. Carpets of wild daffodils will be cloaking the eighteenth century landscape garden where the Great Cascade gushes over a mighty rock face. And the formal Victorian Terrace will be a kaleidoscope of colourful pansies, bellis daisies and wall flowers.

Whether it’s Easter Eggs, a bracing country walk, the garden spectacle or simply the tasty home prepared food in the Stables Restaurant and Courtyard Café you are after, there is something for everybody at Hestercombe this Easter.

For full details