Impress your dinner guests with this recipe by Gareth Jones, Head Chef at the award-winning Mr Cooper’s at Manchester’s Midland Hotel


480g cooked mash potato (warm)

60g milk

45g cornflour

3 eggs

3 egg whites (whipped)


1) Whisk milk and whole eggs into mash

2) Add cornflour and then fold in whites

3. Warm pan with a little oil, spoon pancake mix into the pan and cook until golden brown.


1 x avocado

15g olive oil

½ lemon

5g curry powder

60g fish stock


Toast curry powder in a dry pan. Peel avocado then put in food processor and blend together. Season to taste and pass through sieve.


For every 1k of trimmed salmon fillet-30ml gin

1 bunch of chopped dill

75g rock salt

45g sugar


1) Skin the salmon and remove blood line

2) Pack the salmon in the salt mix.

3) Leave for 36hrs turn every 12hrs

4) Rinse off salt mix and pat dry.

5) Cut into small neat diced pieces

Lemon vinaigrette

250 ml lemon juice

250 ml olive oil

1 tsp sea salt

2 pinch black pepper

Teaspoon zanthum

Mix together

To serve

Reheat the potato pancake. Arrange about seven pieces of the salmon on top of the pancake, Put curried avocado into a squeezy bottle or small piping bag and fill in gaps with the piped avocado, then gently spoon the lemon dressing over the salmon pieces, Decorate with fennel tops, fennel cress or dill.

Gareth Jones, Head Chef at the award-winning Mr Cooper’s at Manchester’s Midland Hotel